Protect Your Home with Fully Customized Insurance Coverage from Ancient City Insurance
At Ancient City Insurance, we work for you to insure you home is fully protected. We represent a carefully selected group of trusted homeowners insurance companies, which allows us to place your policy with the company that is best suited to your insurance needs.
We offer flexible options to all of our clients so they can find the right amount without paying for too much, or too little, homeowners insurance coverage.
As you independent insurance agent we have been protecting people with great coverage at attractive rates. We take great pride in offering our clients some of the lowest rates in the state while providing superior coverage.
Homeowners insurance has changed dramatically over the past years. There have been changes in coverages, carriers and other options. Insurance coverage can be a confusing maze for most people but with our experience we work diligently to ensure you have the proper coverages at the best rates.
We will work with you to compare rates and secure discounts for many items you may not have considered. Our experienced St. Augustine homeowners insurance experts will keep you informed and assist you through the often confusing maze of coverages for your dwelling,
Ancient City Insurance represents over 100 insurance companies to bring find the best coverage for your particular needs and situation. We are committed work individually with each of our clients and their unique situation to secure exactly what you need.

- Replacement cost coverage
- Loss of use
- Personal liability coverage
- Medical payments
- Condominium Coverage
- Renters Insurance.
- Landlord Insurance Dwelling Policy
Keep in mind that Flood Insurance is a separate coverage and we can assist you in identifying your flood zone and discussing flood insurance options.
- Jewelry
- Guns
- Fine Art
- Equipment Breakdowns
- Ordinance & Law
- Water Damage
- Screened Enclosures
- Golf cart
- Carport
- Gated Communities
- Wind mitigation
- Sprinkler System
- Central Burglar Alarm
- Age of Construction
- Central Fire Alarm